Talking Tessellation (Week 1)

Today we discussed some of the artist that we looked at over the break the worked with pattern. This session was about looking at pattern and thinking of where in the world we see it. This was really helpful in enabling us to know the various directions it can go in. We then were divided into groups to discuss the 3 artists everyone chose to research.

I chose Emma McNally, Tokujin Yoshioka and Miguel Chevalier. These very 3 very different artist who all work in different mediums. I found their work while exploring pattern on Pinterest.

Emma McNally creates very abstract pieces with simple forms coming together to create very complex images. She draws her inspiration from elements of everyday life, such as; the sea, military base, circuit board, night sky, data flow, etc. She deconstructs these elements and maps them out with simple lines and dots. This enables her to transport us to a different world when looking at her pieces.

Tokujin Yoshioka mainly creates installation pieces using very simple materials. He very similarly like McNally transports us to a different world in a more literal sense, as he is able to give this feeling through a whole room rather than just on a piece of paper. The materials he uses could be a simple as a piece of fiber, which in itself is very simple, however when combining various pieces of fiber he elevates the material to create a new atmosphere.

Miguel Chevalier is a digital artist. Inspiration for his very well known ‘Magic Carpets’ derives from Milton Keynes city-scape. They are composed by thousands of patterns such as; pixels, line, cells, geometric patterns. These mix together creating unique compositions and are almost forming a new universe of digital color and pattern, forming optical illusions and interactive digital designs giving the viewers an opportunity to alter these patterns and distort them.


There were a lot of really interesting artists mentioned by other people that may become part of my research for my project. At the end of this session I realized that I need to research artists who make work with patterns that has a deeper purpose than just creating an aesthetically pleasing piece of work, as this is what this brief requires from us.

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